Ashkenazi Jews and the BRCA Gene:  What are your chances?

The Ashkenazi Jewish community has a high genetic incidence of the BRCA gene mutation which is associated with breast and ovarian cancer.   In fact, BRCA genetic mutations occur in one in 40 in the Ashkenazi Jewish community compared to one in 500 of the general population. The good news is, there is an emerging […]

Shaare Zedek’s war: Inside the hospital during the 6 Day War

  For over 100 years, Shaare Zedek has played a crucial role in every aspect of Jerusalem’s turbulent modern history. During the June 1967 Six-Day War, the hospital itself was within the line of fire, serving as a front line military hospital. In an article on, Mayer Fertig describes how Shaare Zedek which was […]

Shaare Zedek Ophthalmologists Invent Revolutionary Eyedrops that could Replace Eyeglasses

A sensational scientific breakthrough presented at Shaare Zedek Medical Centre’s Research Conference last month described eyedrops that have the potential to improve vision and remove the need for glasses or contact lenses. The team of Opthalmologists at Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials have developed eye-drops that have […]